Monday, August 31, 2009


dear friends,

being home has affected me profoundly. the lady of shallot blog is for the most part retired, so as an antidote to my new writing habit, I have started another blog called

I hope you enjoy it if you have any interest in random musings and ideas that could potentially combat loneliness, inspire change, or provoke a peaceful moment.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Last Night at Sea

We woke up this morning startled to hear David calling for Bryan to get up as we needed to get to a harbor to fix an issue that caused us to be unable to use our toilets. This of course caused my bladder to start hurting, and I told myself if necessary, I could pee in a cup or two. Thus resolved, I made it to Rosario and we commenced to have one of our most fabulous days ever. Bryan, Charlie and I left the boat around 9am and walked over to the Moran Mansion and stepped back in time 100 years. The Museum (mansion) had a ballroom, bowling alley, spa, pool, and more.. everything was preserved similar to the hotel in "The Shining", without the special effects, thankfully. After realizing the fortitude and fun that the Moran family shared on the island, I was relieved that the life they built for themselves was built from only 10 cents in Robert Moran's pocket to millions based on his fortitude and work ethic.

After realizing that I needed to change careers, we ate a hearty and indulgent brunch before taking a shuttle to East Sound. This excursion needs a whole chapter dedicated to it, yet time is short, and the generator is off so I must be brief. So we shuttle over to this town (East Sound) with our bellies full from brunch, and it was like Are you kidding me?" Where did this place come from? Galleries and restaurants and wine bars and boutiques and people and it was like a movie where the people stranded on an island realized that there was an entrance to Spago through an invisible door. Needless to say, this village/town was more artistically impacted than any place (and I am not exaggerating) I have seen. Bryan and I loved so many shops, shopowners, people we met and the artwork, wines and even candied and flavored sugars we sampled and purchased. One of the first shops we "experienced" was called "Aesthetic".. and the entrance was framed by a gorgeous heart shaped arched trellis. Here we met the official mayor, a great Dane named Dakota, only 3/4 of an inch off of the Guiness book of World records biggest Great Dane ever. The rest of the day was amazing, we met a wonderful couple celebrating their ten year anniversary and then a couple on their honeymoon. Bryan, Charlie and I lunched again at Rose's a charming and organic restaurant, then more wandering and a glass of wine then shuttle back reuniting with our island friends. Well, I am being summoned to "get off the computer" so I leave my 7 blog followers with much appreciation and promise of more tomorrow when I reach Seattle and eventually home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A mausoleum haunts and inspires..

Wow. The fact that I have seven real blog followers is almost enough to stunt my creativity, but I rely on the Id of my being to ignore the inherent desire to please, and to simply relate the happenings of the day. This photo to the left is one of many images from today which are great reminders of why we should all get up of our bottoms and get out of our comfort zones and see the world. There you see Charlie standing in/on a mausoleum erected by the man who practically owned this whole island and whose name graces the restaurant we ate at last night and in whose memory we were charged many dollars. Regardless of the meal, which was nice, this great man McMillan is buried here in the woods, and so is his family. The stone and marble table and chairs are symbolic in that there is a chair for every family member and the table is symbolic of where they will all meet again in the afterlife. The family members are all buried underneath the chair with their names, which fascinated Charlie and the symbolism of this place was simply too much to comprehend... I cannot possibly relate all the details. The most unique and obvious statement McMillan made when designing this mausolem was the column which appears broken and the two ends do not meet... this for McMillan symbolized man's inability to finish his life's work. Loved it.

One of the most exciting moments was getting seperated from Charlie and Bryan on our way through the cemetary to the mausoleum (probably 1/2 mile away through the woods) and when I realized that I had been writing an email on my iphone for too long (because of a haunting escrow), I started through the woods slowly then faster then running down paths yelling "BRYAN!" Well, we were all relived to be reunited because I guess Bryan and Charlie had been yelling for me and let me tell you I never thought on my vacation I would be running through a wooded cemetary trying to find my family and the Mausoleum.

I am leaving so much out, our walk through the sculpture park, lovely lunch, dinner outside the boat on the dock and oh yes.. Charlie at the resort park playing tag this morning and the bigger girls sweetly letting her "catch them". Charlie lays beside me as I write, asleep and dreaming of our adventure continuing tomorrow at another island. I am so proud of her for her stamina and spirit on all of our long hikes and walks and even the stamina to hang out on this boat. I have given up the idea that Bryan and I could share the V berth but we are having a wonderful time together and already planning our next "vacation" at home when we return.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jellyfish, oysters, seals, eagles, crabs, and one camel.

Well, for my now addicted five blog followers, allow me to apologize for my absence. You see the past two days this laptop lost it's internet connection and/or power as I was composing some amazing post material. But alas, today is a beautiful and fabulous day in Roche Harbor! We pulled our anchor and left Stuart island this morning.. only a twenty minute ride and we were docked in a Sausalito like haven that is Roche Harbor. Bryan, Charlie and I skipped up the dock for our first latte. lunch, champagne and ice cream since Friday. I know, it doesn't seem long, but boat time is not like real time, especially when you are all in closet sized rooms and with limited things to do as you cannot leave the boat when it is anchored for days in a cove. Although we did take the dinghy to Stuart Island yesterday and all took a nice long hike/walk up to the schoolhouse and played soccer and football with the kids. Charlie has been amazing and she bounced up the hill on our hike and insisted on walking all the stairs (old timber) on the way back.

Back to today; after our lunch and ice cream we wasted no time in checking out the spa and shopping in Roche Harbor. Even with a temporary power outage on the island we felt invigorated and wanted to see more. So we took the hotel shuttle (no we are not staying there tonight) to another well known town called Friday Harbor. This ride was truly beautiful and magical as we passed a sculpture park, vineyard and the famous (real) camel named Mona. The old taxi guy could hardly stand it as he quizzed Charlie about what animal she might see on his microphone.. there were only two other people on the shuttle with us. Well, the camel didn't impress as much as the small aquarium at Friday Harbor, or the toy store. Another highlight was a gallery with totems, carved kayak paddles and artwork by local artists, some from Indian reservations. We didn't buy anything, and walked some more and decided we better get back.

Bryan and I showered in a shore shower and the Hale-Stroud clan is on their way back to the boat from their showers. We are headed to McMillans for dinner which is the best spot on the island from what we have heard, plus it is at the end of our dock in Roche Harbor.

Tomorrow, we pull anchor again and go out to another unknown destination, I am not sure where yet, but that is just the way things go when you're not driving the boat. Still beautiful here, perfect weather and really cool people hanging out on their vessels on the docks. Love it, but miss home, friends, family, Tahoe and clean sheets ha ha!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow (Macbeth)

I sit in the ship's cabin, Charlie watches "Horton Hears a Who", baby Noah cries and fights with Neva over his bedtime, David and Bryan toast their tequila on the deck in the glow of the last sliver of setting sun and I am thankful. Thankful that Charlie is no longer two, thankful for long term friends and family, relationships lost and found, opportunities to grow, and for my toilet and shower at home. It really would take too much time and potentially bore my three blog followers if I described the natural beauty around me and the profound affect it has already had on me. These islands have coves with a hundred boats anchored, kayakers and canoes and people taking their dinghy's to the islands for camping, hiking, drinking wine and staring out at the beauty. Even more amazing are the homes on the San Juan islands, and wondering what their life must be like?

Well David announced that the generator must be turned off now.. so we are all going to bed! Charlie suited up in lifejacket and coat to go outside on deck. Mommy enjoying last sip of wine.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What is a vacation?

The beautiful thing about life is that we are all individuals and made up of infinite combinations of specialized genetic material that makes us who we are. In yoga, we are practicing becoming more of who we are.. a constant practice as our ego is working towards who we think we want to be, ha ha.

My ego writes: This travel day over many hours and airports and rental cars and back to the airport for lost baggage and then to store (Fred Meyer) for 2 hours with screaming kids getting over 200 items while arguing then bribing then crying with your kid then not fitting in car because of too many items then unpacking and finally ordering takeout ahh glass of wine then not enough time to enjoy it because the day is long and more work to do tomorrow. e.e. cummings anyone?

Me writes: It is beautiful here. Charlie sleeps next to me while I listen to the seagulls calling. All that matters is that we are on an adventure and we are in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, kindof like heaven meets Loch Ness.. green foggy islands and sun streaming through sky and white clouds moving with the wind, and we haven't even left port. I said I would never uproot Charlie as I was uprooted throughout my childhood (poor me), yet I can see why Californians with a soul must come North.. well, we are geared up with enough food to live and plenty of wine.

I am excited to brush my teeth with bottled water and go to sleep. Tomorrow will feel more like a vacation.. I hope.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Night Before

I just enjoyed my last "real" shower for 10 days.  Our duffel bags are for the most part packed; mine supremely overpacked, Bryan's perfect. Charlie is dancing, singing and running wildly around the house, with no sign of night night time. Now she is jumping happily on the small trampoline (Bryan's rebounder) saying "Whee whee whee"...  My chest pains are still reminding me that I have a lot of unfinished work to do on the 4 Real Estate transactions that are closing during the week that I am gone. Charlie just yelled "BOO" at my back and is now crying because I suggested it is her bedtime. The chest pains once again flash like lighting as Charlie cries "now I hate you." 

Moki (our dog) stares at her ball. Ted (our contractor) comes tomorrow to take us to the airport then tear out our kitchen.  Thankfully, he has volunteered to watch Moki, the fish and the hamsters during our trip. I have a secret crush on Ted, if only because nothing and nobody can get under his skin.  Really.  I wish I could be more like him. He is supremely talented at building homes, so hopefully he can fix ours up a little. BTW, he is much much older married to a dear woman and please don't fuss about this little crush. My husband is a stud, enough said.

Charlie is now speaking to me and I really don't care if she goes to bed at all, because tomorrow we are all going to be on The Lady Shallott; and like kids in their new dorm rooms giddy with excitement at the prospects of fun and adventure.

Whatever Bryan just sprayed in the house is extremely toxic and if I do not finish this blog you will/must report that he is at fault. Oops just realized what he is spraying.. the toilet. Saying "Go away poopoo".  Hey, don't read it if you don't want the truth.

Having fun, more to come. K